Laptop Screen

Norton AntiTrack: Browse like no one’s watching.

Help stop data collection companies from profiling you and tracking your online activities. Enjoy a seamless web experience without sacrificing your online privacy—now helping to protect your email, too.**

€ 49.99 first yr
€ 59.99 first yr
€ 69.99 first yr

€ 49.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 59.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 69.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 49.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 59.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 69.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

** Private Email feature is available for Windows and Mac OS only

You’re being tracked online every day.

You're tracked

Did you know every time you’re online information about you and your activity is being discreetly collected?

You're profiled

This information is used to build a robust profile or digital fingerprint of who you are. So wherever you go online, you’re followed from site to site.

You're targeted

Finally, your digital profile is used to serve you targeted messages, like ads or content, which can influence your online behavior.

Free fingerprint scan. 

See what websites know about you.

Norton AntiTrack helps protect your digital footprint.

Browse more privately and anonymously and take control of which information you share with websites you visit.

A yong girl with headphones on looking at a Laptop.

Disguise your digital fingerprint

Help prevent websites and data collection companies from tracking your every move online. We even help you avoid one of the most advanced online tracking techniques like digital fingerprinting.

A yong girl with her mother smiling looking at a Laptop.

Browse freely without targeted ads

We help you stop your online activity from being collected and shared with third parties, who then use it to have annoying personalised ads follow you around the web.

A woman laying on sofa looking at her mobile phone.

Stay on top of who’s trying to track you

Use the Tracking Dashboard to view and manage your privacy and stay informed about any online tracking attempts we’ve blocked.

How to install Norton AntiTrack.

Get more protection right away by following these 3 easy steps:

Number 1.

Download the app

Go to your Norton Account and follow the instructions to activate Norton AntiTrack.

Number 2.

Install it

Follow the installation instructions and install the app.

Number 3.

Install browser extension

Set up the Norton AntiTrack browser extension on Windows, Mac or iOS.

Girl on Monitor

Norton AntiTrack

€ 49.99 first yr
€ 59.99 first yr
€ 69.99 first yr

€ 49.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 59.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 69.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 49.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 59.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

€ 69.99first yr

Savings compared to the renewal price of {ar}/year.
See subscription details below.*

System Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows 11/10 (all versions except Windows 11/10 in S mode).
  • Microsoft Windows 11 with ARM processors, except mixed reality and IoT editors.
  • macOS 11.x (BigSur) or later.
  • Browsers supported on Windows: Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge version 88 or later.
  • Browsers supported on macOS: Safari 14.x or later, Chrome, and Firefox.
  • iOS operating systems: iPhones or iPads running iOS 15.2 or later.
  • Android operating system: Phones running version Android 8.0 Oreo (API 26) or later.

No one can prevent all cybercrime or identity theft.